The "Fabulous" Vegas Good Fellas!

Our Up Coming Events

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The Vegas Good Fellas! Events Calendar

Every Thursday 8:00 to 11:00 pm
Siena Italian Restaurant
9500 West Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89117
Please call for reservations: 702-736-8424

The Vegas Good Fellas! Events Calendar

June 7, 2019
7 to 11pm
Italian American Club of Southern Nevada
2333 E Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89104
Please call for reservations: 702-457-3866

The "Fabulous" Vegas Good Fellas! Facebook a We would like to see your pictures of our band.. Upload here
We invite you to enjoy some great nostalgic jazz, swing, pop, and danceable music of The Vegas Good Fellas.
For Booking information, please contact us or call 702-476-2884
a Las Vegas, NV
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